Council Wards & Committees
The City of Georgetown Council acts as the legislative branch of our government, as well as its policy-making body. The Council looks to our community's goals, major projects and infrastructure improvements ranging from community growth to land use to finances and strategic planning. The Council's goal is to do the very best to represent their consituents after they've seen to the needs of the community as a whole.
The City of Georgetown is divided into four governing sections, called Wards. Each Ward is represented by two Alderman who live within the Ward.
Ward 1East Side of Main St, South of Mill St. Dennis Davidson - Jack Morrison - |
Ward 2West side of Main St, South of Whittier Curt Gordon - Michelle Brooks - |
Ward 3East Side of Main St, North of Mill St Mike Scott - Randy Scott - |
Ward 4West Side of Main St, North of Whittier Tim Waterman - Nick Krabel - |
Business/TIF District CommitteeTim Waterman, Chairman Jack Morrison Nick Krabel |
Personnel CommitteeTim Waterman, Chairman Mike Scott Nick Krabel |
Civic Improvements CommitteeMike Scott, Chairman Dennis Davidson Nick Krabel |
Public Properties CommitteeCurt Gordon, Chairman Dennis Davidson Nick Krabel |
Finance CommitteeTim Waterman, Chairman Dennis Davidson Jack Morrison |
Streets & Alleys CommitteeMike Scott, Chairman Randy Scott Michelle Brooks |
Ordinance CommitteeDennis Davidson, Chairman Michelle Brooks Mike Scott |
Water & Sewer CommitteeNick Krabel, Chairman Curt Gordon Jack Morrison |
Appeals CommitteeCurt Gordon, Chairman Jim Waterman Terry Winslow |